Main dimensions and their differentiation during lifespan development and the decrease of future time perspective
Older adult’s shift of interest towards emotional wellbeing has been sufficiently evidenced by breitling replica recent research. However, there has not been any respective research as regards the effects of this tendency of older adult on the experience of the discrete emotion of anger. The aim of the present review is to fill this gap, via the presentation of the most recent empirical data and some of the new theoretical approaches of emotional aging. Special emphasis is given on the socio emotional selectivity theory suggesting that, with advancing age, a person’s emotional life is optimized, due to the decrease of future time perspective and the subsequent reconsideration of life goals because of limited time perspective. In the light of this theory, the changes that take place during lifespan development and aging as regards the emotion of anger will be studied in depth.Sac lancel
Moreover, new research questions and new avenues for rolex replica research will be formulated, in order for the existing body of knowledge to be enriched and for its functional significance to be enhanced.
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